Dollars & Sense
At Boro Energy we are not only dedicated to keeping our customers warm, but we also want you to save! That's why we have a brand new price protection program just for you! Dollars & Sense enables customers to experience big savings on their annual fuel bills.

What are the benefits of enrolling in our Dollars & Sense Program?
- There is no fee to be part of this price protection program
- Boro Energy protects heating oil prices, so customers benefit when prices decrease
- Customers enrolled in the program are guaranteed a daily price that is less than the NYSERDA posted retail price for New York City
- New customers receive a FREE one-year service contract
- If at any time you wish to lock-in to a fixed price, or have a price cap for your heating oil you may do so for a small transaction fee
Boro Energy is one of over 120 oil dealers throughout the Northeast that offers this program to over 250,000 homeowners.
To take advantage of the Dollars & Sense Program, please call us today!