Fuel Grade Changes

oil-tanker-iS-15758254.jpgIn April of 2011, upon the release of the PlaNYC update, Mayor Bloomberg finalized a New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) rule that will phase out the use of two highly polluting forms of heating oil: Number 6 oil (No. 6) and Number 4 oil (No. 4). The regulations were designed to balance near-term pollution reduction with minimizing costs for buildings. Details are below:

Effective immediately, no new boiler or burner installations will be permitted to use No. 6 or No. 4 oil, and instead must use one of the cleanest fuels, such as ultra-low sulfur Number 2 oil (No. 2), biodiesel, natural gas, or steam.

By 2030 or upon boiler or burner replacement, whichever is sooner, all buildings must convert to one of the cleanest fuels.

Compliance waivers will be considered through the New York City Department of Environmental Protection. Eliminating these "heavy" oils and transitioning to the cleanest fuels will save thousands of lives over the next two decades.